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Clinics available in Te Atatu Peninsula or Ellerslie (Auckland ) or online.
Please specify in your message, times, days and location that you would prefer.
In-person appointments available on
WEDNESDAY - Therapy Space. Level 1, 411 Great South Road, Ellerslie
THURSDAY AND FRIDAY - Restore Wellbeing. Level 1, 552 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula
Individuals $175
Couples $200
Supervision $17
Group Consultations $250
Payments are to be made on the day of the appointment via direct debit.
Cancellation and Postponement Policy
Please give 24 hours notice otherwise a cancellation fee will insure.
Thank you.
Clinics available in Te Atatu Peninsula or Ellerslie (Auckland ) or online.
Please specify in your message, times, days and location that you would prefer.
In-person appointments available on
WEDNESDAY - Therapy Space. Level 1, 411 Great South Road, Ellerslie
THURSDAY AND FRIDAY - Restore Wellbeing. Level 1, 552 Te Atatu Road, Te Atatu Peninsula
Individuals $175
Couples $200
Supervision $17
Group Consultations $250
Payments are to be made on the day of the appointment via direct debit.
Cancellation and Postponement Policy
Please give 24 hours notice otherwise a cancellation fee will insure.
Thank you.